Friday, January 25, 2008

German Cycling Cup 2008

T-Mobile has left cycling with a bang at the end of last year and this also meant the end of the T-Mobile Cycling Tour for jedermann or cycloriders. However, the Series is NOT dead! It will continue under the name "German Cycling Cup" and will be organised by the Verband Deutscher Radrennveranstalter (VDR). That is already great news by itself.

The race calendar will contain fewer events than the 19 in 2007, which was also desired by all leading parties involved. Significant is that the race in Hambug and the new race in Berlin will not be part of the Cup. It is also unclear whether the cyclo events of the Tour of Germany in September will be included or not. Triberg and RiderMan are neither mentioned so far in the calendar.

The 11 (provisional) events of the 2008 German Cycling Cup:

24. März: „Rund-um-Köln-Challenge
27. April: „Tour d‘Energie von den Terassen“ in Göttingen
01. Mai: „Rund um den Henninger Turm“ in Frankfurt
12. Mai: Rund um die Braunkohle in Leipzig
1. Jun: Bayern-Rundfahrt in Erlangen
28. Jun: Jedermannrennen im Rahmen der Deutschen Meisterschaft in Bochum (unbestätigt)
27. Jul: Sachsen-Tour (unbestätigt)
3. Aug: Sparkassen-Giro in Bochum
23. Aug: „Rad am Ring“ auf dem Nürburgring
14. Sep: „Rund um die Nürnberger Altstadt“
3. Okt: Sparkassen Münsterland Giro.2008 in Münster

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